People Search Made Easy

Find information you may not get on Google.

What kind of data can you expect with Public Records?

We aggregate billions of data points from reputable public records, which can help you do an in-depth search on people, including criminal and court records, properties and much more.

Contact Info

Our data accuracy scores suggest someone's likely personal and professional emails, phone numbers, and addresses.

Criminal & Court records

With people search, you may access court records including arrests, criminal records, traffic violations and bankruptcies.

Vehicle Records

Search by VIN number or License Plate. We offer accident & salvage records, values, specs and recalls.

Caller Identification

Search who called or texted with reverse phone lookup. Reports include names, locations, spam scores, and helpful comments.

Property Records

Discover deeds, property details, professional values, owner information and assessments with our address lookup.

Personal Details

Reports may contain public records, photos, ages, relatives, associates, assets, jobs and educational history.